What an asshole. Ariel Sharon is dying and all Pattie can do is spew hate. Um Pattie, Ariel was severely overweight and is 77. Don't you think that falls under natural causes? Does anyone actually take Pattie seriously? If so, let me warn you - if there is a hell, there will be a spot for you there. Sometimes he seems more like a hollywood christian, kind of a comic act for God.
How the house of cards does crumble! Why are so many Republicons (sic) crooks? How America could possibly trust the Republicon party with 2 terms is pathetic. Most voters don't even remember Joe McCarthy or Richard Nixon so those Republicons just stick their heads in the sand. The rotting Republicon party crumbling on so many grounds may just give the power back to the Democrats. But first oh Dems, stop the bickering, bitching, and moaning and get a real agenda for America will ya?
Abramoff Plea Could Have Far-Reaching Implications