Sunday, June 18, 2006

George O'Dowd - Reminder of Time Passing

Everyone ages, but for some reason, the aging of George O'Dowd (aka Boy George) seems a stark reminder as to just how much time has past since the 1980's. What a difference 20 years make. He was so .. well.. there was no one quite like him although Cyndi Lauper was close. Now he just looks tired and sad.

I still like Karma Chameleon even after it's been played a bejillion times. It was a pop masterpiece - I still like to hum it.

At any rate, some people age gracefully, others do not.

N.Y. Judge Issues Warrant for Boy George

Old George

Boy George

Friday, June 16, 2006

Bill Gates Moving On - My Thoughts

Well the popular press is just waxing on and on (ad naseum) about the story of Bill Gates announcement to leave M-soft. Yesterday's news, today's and probably tomorrow's too!

All I can say is that people should have seen this coming for a long time. He has simply reached the point where he needs to let go of Microsoft like a parent must do with a grown up child. But there is the philanthropy thing too. Did you ever notice that the richest people are often also the biggest philanthropists? Why do they do it? As of yet, I have not experienced such disposable wealth that I can save entire African villages from starvation.

Maybe it's just a higher calling that you don't get until you reach that point of being really really wealthy.

Bill Gates to give up daily duties at Microsoft by 2008

Bill Gates

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gross Anti Smoking Ad

Now that's what I call effective advertising! This "tracheotomy guy" Ronaldo Martinez. He speaks with the help of an electronic device and we get to see him disinfecting the hole in his throat as part of his apparent shower routine. I could not stop watching him and I could not stop thinking about my smoking neighbors.

I am surrounded on all sides by smokers. The guy across the hall steps out into the common area to smoke. I see him all the time from my window. He's one of those that can quit for 3 months, start again, quit again, etc. He's easily in his mid to late 40's and really should be thinking about hanging up the habit for good. Then there's the young idiots next door to me. 3 twenty-somethings live in this apartment and I guess they're too young to be afraid of the damage. Young and stupid. A deadly combination? Between the 4 of them, I'm sure I'm getting enough 2nd hand to be harmful.

I read in
Angry Black Bitch's blog that she's giving it up. Hooray for her - I hope she makes it. I was a smoker once - 2 packs a day, of menthol even! Funny I don't remember it being that hard. But then I was 'young and stupid' at the time.

Anti-Smoking Ads Shock Viewers in NYC

Ronaldo Martinez