Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mile High Monorail

Ummm Assoc. Press... A monorail that is a 'mile high'? I really don't seem to remember Seattle's monorail as being THAT elevated. Geez, what a bunch of morons at the 'Ass Press' - no quality control. Just crank the news out and don't check it? Ass Press cranks out the BS and ABC News just prints it. No wonder we can't trust either one of them.

The train had clipped the monorail's only other train on a curve in the tracks Sunday evening, forcing the evacuation of 84 passengers from the mile-high, 43-year-old elevated line between downtown and the Seattle Center.

OOPS, mile high monorail! Haha. My my that would be quite the engineering feat not to mention a long ladder to get the people down!

Seattle Monorail Trains Clip Each Other

Seattle Mono

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