Thursday, December 15, 2005

George Bush lies even when he tells truth

In a desperate bid to revive his sinking ratings, Geo tries the old 12 step approach to pretending to be honest - when we were wrong, we promptly admitted it. Only in his case it isn't prompt and it isn't even a truthful admission. A lame pretense at honesty at best. Of course, he can't say the truth: We went to Iraq for oil. The man is addicted to oil and there's no denying it. To quote Pink Floyd: Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?

We did go to war on faulty intelligence, Bush admits

Ah, the distorted face of an addict.

And that's the TRUTH

Monday, December 12, 2005

Auschwitz Arnie Speaks

Today Schwarzenegger denied Stanley Williams a shot at a life prison term instead of execution.

Full Story here.

Is Williams' redemption complete and sincere, or is it just a hollow promise?..Without an apology and atonement for these senseless and brutal killings, there can be no redemption.

This has made the Word Splatterer sad. Now I must splatter some words on this page. Williams devoted his prison life to not only denouncing gang lifestyles, but he wrote books about it. Children’s books. The best kind of books to fight the problem of gang mentality. What the f*ck does Auschwitz Arnie think those actions are? They look like apology and atonement to me - at least for Williams' gang involvement.

And let's not forget (as Auschwitz Arnie seems to have done) that Williams has never admitted killing those people and has maintained his innocence. Why on earth would he apologize for something he didn't do? Of course I don't know the facts surrounding this case - the mainstream media whores only give us the filtered out stuff, but there seems to be looming questions here. In the meantime, Williams is set to die tonight. Sad.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

No Drive and Richard Pryor

I hate getting old. I get sad when people I grew up watching and/or listening to die. I really liked Richard Pryor - he was really a funny guy. He was a HUGE person because he could make fun of himself as well as others and make everyone laugh along with him. Bye Richard, thanks so much for the laughs... I'll miss ya.

Richard Pryor

I have recently resurrected No Drive Saturdays. The tradition started when I lived within walking distance of everything and I found it wasteful and ridiculous to drive 1 mile to the store. But now I don't live within reasonable walking distance of a store unless you can count CostCo. Hmm, can you go to Costco for a loaf of bread or do you have to buy a case? There's a Cheesy no name convenience store on 99 not far from CostCo, but it seems to be frequented by pimps, thugs, and other 99 glitterati. So I have to plan - imagine that. Plan to have everything done by Saturday so I can at least say I don't drive one day per week. Oh yeah, it's an F150 like this one but in better shape. Just got it washed yesterday and it didn't rain today.


Friday, December 09, 2005

How to spend an Xmas Bonus

This was a mixed week; I’m glad it’s Friday. Today I had to pay the piper for the $1400 root canal I had last month. That’s just plain wrong. To have to pay that much for something so painful and horrifying. Just wrong. I wish they could just knock me out for those things, but NO. I have to stay awake so I know when to swallow and so I can hold my big assed mouth open while they rape and pillage in there. And I didn’t even get dinner and glass of wine first!

But as providence has it, an Xmas bonus came through from the employer that paid for about half of it. Blessing. The boss must have been feeling generous or guilty this year; usually it’s a bonus that might (if yer lucky) buy you a new pair of jeans.

Rootin Tootin Canal

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Can Jerry Falwell save Christmas?

If Jerry's right wing says so. I hate to say I agree with Jerry Falwell (at least in part), but piss on "holiday trees". They're CHRISTMAS TREES for frick's sake. Piss on that the political correctness that got us this far where we can't say "Merry Christmas". OK, Happy Holidays is cool, but "holiday tree"? Please O Tannenbaum. Presumably this is all part of a move to unite Jewish and Muslim holidays with Xmas (oops) but I'll not have any of that. Hissss. For perhaps the first time in my life, I agree with Falwell - at least on the trees. On the Happy Holidays issue, he's just the usual asshole. Happy Holidays is a term inclusive of Christmas and New Year. Oy, have you seen Falwell lately? He looks like he's about to explode (or implode).

Wishing someone "Happy Holidays" can get you in trouble

Jerry Falwell

Monday, December 05, 2005

Utah Mormons will Sell Anything

This is just about the dumbest thing I've seen. A 'diet' where you eat what you want, only when you are hungry and stop when you're full. Now isn't that just another way of saying "common sense eating"? Leave it to the Mormons to repackage the obvious. And also note that the link at the end of the article did not work - took me to a "website coming soon" page. Lame, very lame.

Professor Loses Weight With No-Diet Diet


Ok Students Get Early Education about Asshole Politicians

What else can we say but .. that these little un's will learn early about taxpayer supported assholes in their state government.

A Christmas tree that elementary school students decorated with discarded lottery tickets was removed from the state Capitol over the weekend after a lawmaker complained it was inappropriate. Rep. Randy Terrill, who opposes the lottery, said he spotted the tree on Wednesday when it was erected as part of the governor's annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The Republican lawmaker called the Westwood Elementary School principal, who apologized and asked the governor's office to remove the tree.

Tree Decorated by Okla. Students Removed

Nice Tie Asshole (ahhahahaha) OK?

Goofy OK Politician

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Spokane Mayor West - Amazing Disgrace

The mainstream news media bozos seemed to have lost interest in Spokane's fruit fly mayor since the Spokane Review busted him earlier this year (literally with his pants down). At least until today:

Spokane Mayor Facing Recall After Sting

But he has constantly been in the Spokane news. I've wondered for a long time why this guy didn't just resign. It would seem the right think to do. Not only is he obviously guilty of leading a double life on the City payroll, but there is this whole question of his being a "Lestor" from the 1970's. More than one person says he was - statute of limitations or not, he is a guilty pedophile.

Add that to everything else and the court of public opinion is very much against him. Some public servant! His circle of support is so small they can fit in a classroom. The recall election is coming up on Tuesday; I am relatively sure the voters of Spoke will give this guy the final boot. I suppose this job is all he has to hang on to. I almost feel sorry for him. Well he is fighting cancer, so perhaps that can be used as an excuse for his poor behavior.

West spent hours online at

James West

Subways Smacks Down Kansas

It seems that a couple from Kansas got a little testy with an Oregon Subway store for posting a humorous jab. All they did was tell it like it like it is. Let's just face it, there are plenty of reasons why 'you're lucky you don't live Kansas'. The 'creation state' and oh yeah, that's where that Westboro Baptist 'church' is. And oh yeah.. and let's not forget the BTK. And the list goes on and on. OK shyt happens everywhere, why so Kansas?

Subway Sorry for Offending Kansas on Sign

The Subway restaurant chain has apologized to any Kansans who were offended by a sign that took a playful jab at the Sunflower State. In early October, Topeka residents Joe and Karen Davis stopped at a Subway in Reedsport, Ore., where they saw a sign promoting a salmon sandwich. It read: "Another reason you're lucky not to live in Kansas."

Auntie Em Auntie Em!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Snow Come and Go

Thursday (12/1/05) was the first snowfall of this winter in the Seattle area. Now gee, didn't everyone just want to know that? Well, I meant to get outside with the Digi Cam, but by Friday it was mostly gone. But this morning it was BACK! Another inch or so. A typical snow around here. I mention it here in this blog, lest I forget when the first snow fell here (which I probably will).

Friday, December 02, 2005

The 1000 Media Circus Milestone

The mainstream news media whores are really ramping up that 1000th execution story. Give it a rest AP! I mean really, they were leading up to this for days. There was the false alarm - Robin Lovitt - who got off the hook at the .. ummm very last minute. We heard about that for days leading up to that. Now it happened so now we get to talk about it more!

This really pales in comparison to the hanging execution of the Australian citizen yesterday by the government of the Singapore. Now that is bothersome! Why are the media whores here not speaking of that? Instead they focus on this case -- Kenneth Lee Boyd killed two people so he earned his place. No hope of DNA letting him off the hook. He did it - he paid the price. What if they executed every drug dealer in this country? Something to think about today.

Link to Story: US executions milestone spurs fresh debate

Thursday, December 01, 2005

MS Word and Blogs

Ever notice that the word 'blog' does not clear Microsoft Word's spell check program? Unless of course you manually add it. Nor does any form of the word - including blogger, blogging, and blogged. Coincidence? If Microsoft owned one of the major blogging platforms, it might be in there. Get with it Microsoft!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mile High Monorail

Ummm Assoc. Press... A monorail that is a 'mile high'? I really don't seem to remember Seattle's monorail as being THAT elevated. Geez, what a bunch of morons at the 'Ass Press' - no quality control. Just crank the news out and don't check it? Ass Press cranks out the BS and ABC News just prints it. No wonder we can't trust either one of them.

The train had clipped the monorail's only other train on a curve in the tracks Sunday evening, forcing the evacuation of 84 passengers from the mile-high, 43-year-old elevated line between downtown and the Seattle Center.

OOPS, mile high monorail! Haha. My my that would be quite the engineering feat not to mention a long ladder to get the people down!

Seattle Monorail Trains Clip Each Other

Seattle Mono

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Baggy-ass Punk Pants Trips up Punk

Baggy Pants Trip Up Suspected Thief

A man suspected of stealing discs from a video store was tripped up by his baggy pants, falling twice before police captured him, authorities said. James Green, 30, of Detroit, took about a half-dozen DVDs on Sunday night, and initially made his getaway on a bicycle, police said. Officers spotted him in an alley, and he abandoned the bike and ran, but his pants fell to his ankles and he tripped, Ferndale Detective Sgt. Patrick Jones told The Daily Tribune of Royal Oak. "Finally, he kicked off his pants and shoes" and then jumped a fence into the backyard of a house where he was captured, Jones said. On Monday, Green pleaded guilty to resisting arrest and retail fraud and was ordered jailed for 30 days.

Aged 30 and still making his getaway on a bike? (Probably stole the bike too). Tripped on his own big-assed pants. LOL! Now I am gonna think about that everytime I see a baggy assed punk walking down the street holding up his pants. Now doesn't that make everything more difficult? You'd only have one hand to work with. Ah well, at the bottom of the human pyramid, there isn't much reasoning going on.