Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Can Jerry Falwell save Christmas?

If Jerry's right wing says so. I hate to say I agree with Jerry Falwell (at least in part), but piss on "holiday trees". They're CHRISTMAS TREES for frick's sake. Piss on that the political correctness that got us this far where we can't say "Merry Christmas". OK, Happy Holidays is cool, but "holiday tree"? Please O Tannenbaum. Presumably this is all part of a move to unite Jewish and Muslim holidays with Xmas (oops) but I'll not have any of that. Hissss. For perhaps the first time in my life, I agree with Falwell - at least on the trees. On the Happy Holidays issue, he's just the usual asshole. Happy Holidays is a term inclusive of Christmas and New Year. Oy, have you seen Falwell lately? He looks like he's about to explode (or implode).

Wishing someone "Happy Holidays" can get you in trouble

Jerry Falwell

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