Thursday, January 05, 2006

Hate-Filled Pat Robertson Cites God's Wrath

What an asshole. Ariel Sharon is dying and all Pattie can do is spew hate. Um Pattie, Ariel was severely overweight and is 77. Don't you think that falls under natural causes? Does anyone actually take Pattie seriously? If so, let me warn you - if there is a hell, there will be a spot for you there. Sometimes he seems more like a hollywood christian, kind of a comic act for God.

I really can't wait for "God's Wrath" to strike Pat Robertson!

Robertson Links Sharon Stroke, God's Wrath

Hate Filled Pat Robertson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does his scalp area look like a bad Hollywood latex and makeup job? Hey, take it off and he looks a lot like ole' George Dubya!
