Sunday, December 04, 2005

Spokane Mayor West - Amazing Disgrace

The mainstream news media bozos seemed to have lost interest in Spokane's fruit fly mayor since the Spokane Review busted him earlier this year (literally with his pants down). At least until today:

Spokane Mayor Facing Recall After Sting

But he has constantly been in the Spokane news. I've wondered for a long time why this guy didn't just resign. It would seem the right think to do. Not only is he obviously guilty of leading a double life on the City payroll, but there is this whole question of his being a "Lestor" from the 1970's. More than one person says he was - statute of limitations or not, he is a guilty pedophile.

Add that to everything else and the court of public opinion is very much against him. Some public servant! His circle of support is so small they can fit in a classroom. The recall election is coming up on Tuesday; I am relatively sure the voters of Spoke will give this guy the final boot. I suppose this job is all he has to hang on to. I almost feel sorry for him. Well he is fighting cancer, so perhaps that can be used as an excuse for his poor behavior.

West spent hours online at

James West

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